Kamis, 12 April 2012

SAP unit 6: Human Capital Management

Jelaskan dan jawablah materi Unit Human Capital Management (HCM) dan jawaban dibuat di blog masing-masing. 
1.       Sebutkan fungsi-fungsi human capital management!
To compete effectively, to align all corporate resources, including employees, with busuness objectives.

2.       Outline the task associated within my SAP ERP HCM
The solution optimizes each employee's contribution by aligning employee skills, activities, and incentives with business objectives and the strategies to reach them. It also provides tools to manage, measure, and reward individual and team contributions.

3.       Explain how SAP within mySAP HCM supports key process in HCM
It also provides tools to manage, measure, and reward individual and team contributions.

4.       Differentiate between SAP HR organizational element and master data

5.       Describe an orgazational plan and identify its organizational elements
You create an organizational plan, wich is a comprehensive anf dynamic model of the strutural and personnel environment in your enterprise

6.       Describe the manager's desktop and the functions it supports
Repsenting staffing requirements, advertising, managing and selecting applicant correpondence.

7.       List the recruitment activities and functions that drive a successful recruitment plan
A typical process in recruitment may involve  the following :
·         The vecant positions are published innjob advertisements
·         The applicants data is entered in the system
·         A complex selection processs takes place, culminating in a decision being made
·         The employement contracts are generated for the application who are to be hired
·         The applicants data is transferred to HCM master data

8.       Describe how personnel time is managed and evaluated in the human resources module
By the process of recordingemployee’s activities and development. The time management compenentsupport you in all processes that concern planning, record, and valuating employee’s attendence and absesnsis time

9.       Define how payroll is managed within an organization using the human resources component
mySAP financial have a record of employee’s activitis and calculate employed remuneration of the work that they perfomed.

10.   Manfaat dari modul mySAP HCM
With the modul will produce or contribution value

11.   Gambarkan proses mySAP HCM


12.   Gambarkan the organizational plan

13.   Jelaskan konsep-konsep organizational unit, job, position, persons
·         Organizational unit describe the various business units in your organization.
·         Jobs are general description or templates that apply to several positions with compratable requirements, tasks, and characteristics.
·         Positions are smallest organizational units of the organozational structure .
·         Person occupy positions within the organizational structure.

14.   Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan recuitment dan sumbernya
Recruitment carry out the entire recruitment from entering applicant data to staffing a position, this applies both to external  applicants, that is, new hires, and to internal employees changing position, the staffing requirements are represented by vacancies.

15.   Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan vacancies
The vacancies are created or initiated by an internal transfer in organizational management.

16.   Jealaskan gambaran from vacancy to hiring
17.   Jelaskan. Typical process in recruitment
A typical process in recruitment may involve  the following :
·         The vecant positions are published innjob advertisements
·         The applicants data is entered in the system
·         A complex selection processs takes place, culminating in a decision being made
·         The employement contracts are generated for the application who are to be hired
·         The applicants data is transferred to HCM master data

18.   Jelaskan personnel management
Integration between recruitment and personnel administration anables the applicants data to be transferred as employee data, wich you then have to supplement.

19.   Dimana disimpannya employee data?
Employee data is stored in mySAP ERP HCM as infoype records. Master data (personal file)

20.   Sebutkan tiga cara memaintain infotype
·         Single-screen maintenance (one infotype for one person)
·         Personnel actions (sequence of infotype for one person)
·         Fast entry (one infotype for multiple persons)

21.   Jelaskan HCM structure

22.   Jelaskan personnel action
All of an amployee’s employment relationship in various countries in the standard system.

23.   Berikan contoh infotype
Personal file : alamat, TTL, status, jenis kelamin, usia, IPK.

24.   Jelaskan personnel development
Requirment result from a comparison of the requirments of the job and the employee’s existing
qualifications. The information required for the comparison is stored in profiles.

25.   Darimana sumber personnel development?

26.   Jelaskan gambar personnel development

27.   Jelaskan training and event managemented
Is a highly integrated component that supports you in planning, executing, and managing your training courses and bisiness events.

28.   Jelaskan empat proses utama dalam training and event management
·         Business event preparation encompasses all data you require when creating the business event catalog, such as the locations where training courses are held.
·         The business event catalog is then set up, that is, the dates for the events are planned and created in the system.
·         The day-to-day activities of booking, rebooking, or canceling business events for internal and external participants can take place.
·         Recurring activities that are closely linked the treed step, after a course has taken place the participants can write appraisals for it.

29.   Jelaskan time management
The time management component support you in all processes that concern planning, recording, and valuating employee’s attendace and absence times.

30.   Jelaskan proses time management
Record -> valuation -> use time data

31.   Sebutkan cara mencatat time management
·         Online by time administrators (using the time manager’s workplace)
·         Using front-end time recording systems
·         Using the mySAP ERP crosss – application time sheet (CATS)
·         Using employee self – service applications (ESS)

32.   Dimana disimpannya time management?
Time data is istored in special time infotypes, in the same way as HR master data is stored.

33.   Jelaskan appraisal
The appraisal funtioanlity in personnel development support you with flexible appraisal processes that you can use to carry out standardized apprisals with the highest level of objectivity.

34.   Gambarkan appraisal
360° - personnel appraisal – course appraisals – surveys

35.   Bagaimana mengintegrasikan appraisal dengan mySAP HCM
Personnel development enables you to transfer requirements profiles from positions or qualifications from the qualifications catalog directly to your employee’s individual objetive – setting agreements.

36.   Jelaskan payroll
It encompasses a multitude of processe, such as the creation of payroll resuls and salary statements, bank transfers, and payment by check. The processes including a number of fllow – on activities, such as transfering the result to mySAP ERP financials.

37.   Jelaskan gambaran payroll
38.   Jelaskan tahap perhitungan employee remuneration
·         Grouping the remuneration elements, that is, the gross payroll
·         Legal and voluntary deductions, that is, the country – specific net payroll

39.   Jelaskan personnel cost planning
Can draw from a very data basis and can integrated with other applications. Informations about payment can be derived from various sources to create personnel cost plans.

40.   Jelaskan penggunaan personnel cost planning
·         Creating a training budget for training anf event management
·         Transferring data to controling
·         Extracting the cost projections for furher analysis in the SAP business information warehouse

41.   Jelaskan gambar personnel cost planning


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