21. The functions of organizaional managemant anable you to quickly and efficiently map your current organizational and reporting structure with its organizational objects-organizational units, jobs, positions, tasks.
22. Organizational units describe the various business units that exist in your enteprise, multiple organizational units and their relationship form the organizational structure. That can be loosely defined as fuctional or regional departement, or as project group, depending on the type of organization.
23. Jobs serve as descriptions, or templates, that apply to serveral positions with similar requirements, tasks, or other characteristics.
24. Positions are the individual employee assignments in the enterprise. A positions inherits a job’s characteristics, but you can also define additional characteristics specific to the positions. Job descriptions apply to several different positions with similar characteristic.
25. Persons hold positions within the organizational structure anf respresent employees in your company.
26. Transactions are applications program that execute business process in the SAP system, master data is copied during transaction processing this avoiding re-entry of data. Example when executing the transactions creates sales order the user must enter the customres member; this copy is in all of the relevant customers information.
27. Whenever a transacion a executed in the system a document is created, that document a data record of transactions, contains all of the relevant predefined informations from the master data and organizational elements.
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